Privacy Policy


Roatan Coolest People Tours Privacy Policy

How do I book?

A:Follow the instructions given on each excursion page and fill in your information: Name, Phone Number, Email, Cruise Name, Cruise Date, Number of guests, etc.

Is the PayPal/Credit Card booking refundable?

A: Yes, we offer a 100% Money Back guarantee if your ship cannot make port or if you cancel 48 hours prior to the date of arrival. Our policy is designed to be accommodating while ensuring that we can manage our excursions efficiently and fairly.

How to find us on excursion day?

Meeting time will be 1 hour after Ship doors are open (If you booked private you can Exit earlier or later at your own time, We are there as soon as your ship docks). You will head to the port exit gate. Once there, look for the Roatan Coolest People sign, The sign will also have your groups leaders name on it or the person’s name who has booked the excursion.

A:When you Exit the ship, head towards the duty-free shop. Walk through, then walk up the hill and make a left towards the taxi parking lot. Once there, make a left towards the port exit gate. Walk up the hill and we will be waiting for you with the ROATAN COOLEST PEOPLE sign.
If you feel you cannot walk up the hill to get to the exit gate, you can take a taxi for $2 per person to where we are waiting for you. Just let the taxi driver know you booked with ROATAN COOLEST PEOPLE TOURS and they will take you where we are. Please do not go with anyone that is not wearing an ROATAN COOLEST PEOPLE T-SHIRT OR HAVE THE ROATAN COOLEST PEOPLE SIGN.

A:When you Exit the ship, head to the shopping area, and make a right under the double stairway. You will find the independent tour operator section. They will aggressively try to sell an excursion, just tell them you are already booked with ROATAN COOLEST PEOPLE TOURS. Once you are at the end of this section, make a left and then a right towards port exit gate #1. We will be waiting across the street with the ROATAN COOLEST PEOPLE SIGN. Please do not go with anyone that is not wearing an ROATAN COOLEST PEOPLE T-SHIRT or anyone that don’t have the ROATAN COOLEST PEOPLE SIGN Once you Exit, Meeting time is 1hr, doors are open.

How do you contact us if you can’t find us on the day of our excursion?
A:If you can’t find us, please try to get in contact with us through Email, Facebook Messenger or Call/Whatsapp +5049685-4757

Does Roatan Island take US Dollars or Credit Cards?

A:Yes we do. You can pay anywhere in Roatan with US Dollars and get change back in US Dollars. Keep in mind we don’t accept coins, only bills. We also accept all major credit cards Visa, Mastercard